Aug 2Liked by Andrea Eschen

Sounds like a great night for you two!

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It was!! It was joyous. Thanks for reading and commenting.

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How fun is this!!! What a great concert and I'm so glad you were able to attend as a testament to over 25 years together! Amazing! And thanks for sharing Fabio's clips of the music-very joyful!!! I'm dancing just a little bit now too!

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Happy to hear it! Thanks for reading and commenting. My Creative Director is really stepping up to the plate.

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I got actual real goosebumps reading (and listening to) this! I love the noches del botánico, it's such an evocative Madrid summer thing, and then layered on top all these personal memories and celebrations. What better way to celebrate '25 years and no distance between you' than with live music and dancing. Noticed a little civil war narrative slipped in there too. Fabio the editor-in-chief got shouted down I see hehehe.

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Hehehehehe, how did that get there? My editor-in-chief must have been asleep at the wheel. Too much dancing and carousing I guess.

On a summer night, what could be better than music at noches del botanico?

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Aug 2Liked by Andrea Eschen

I’m so envious…I would have loved this concert!

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All signs are pointing to the fact that you need to return to Madrid, Elinor. Now that Real Madrid has to be my team, because my husband's rooting for them - switching from Barca - we have a lot to do together here, especially writing!

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Aug 2Liked by Andrea Eschen

Great anniversary date, you have more stamina than most of that crowd. Loved the clip of the musicians. Thanks again for your richly descriptive writing.

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As ever, Kathy, thanks for reading and your comments. I didn't include in that post that I took a nap the next day. It was heavenly.

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Aug 2Liked by Andrea Eschen

Congratulations on your 25 years! What a joyful way to celebrate.

(At our age, we can stay up later if we get a second wind and have great music to dance to!)

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Thanks! I can always draw on more energy for having fun.

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Aug 2Liked by Andrea Eschen

Sounds like a magical evening in an amazing venue Andrea! A fitting tribute indeed to 25 years….thanks for sharing this experience with all of us. ❤️

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Thanks, Martha. It was! I wonder where we'll celebrate in another 25 years.

I always appreciate your comments. :)

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Aug 3Liked by Andrea Eschen

Quarter of a century! What a great track record! Fabulous musical evening for two über fabulous people! Your writing takes us right there!

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I hadn't thought about the number in those terms before. Hmmmmm. Glad we're not getting any older. Thanks for reading and commenting!! Much appreciated.

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Aug 3Liked by Andrea Eschen

Que chevre que lo hayan disfrutado!! Este es uno de mis grupos preferidos. “Gypsi king” y el otro grupo q no conocían me lleva a pensar que eso es lo interesante a traves de la musica conocer un poco la historia y las vivencias del nuevo pais en el que ahora viven. Sigan disfrutando de todo esto mi ❤️

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Si, mi melocotón, tienes toda la razón. Asistir eventos así con un poco de incertidumbre nos ayuda conocer el país y aprender mucho a la vez. Ademas me da aun mas aprecio por nuestro nuevo hogar.

Gracias por compartir tu entusiasmo.

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Aug 3Liked by Andrea Eschen

Just listened to "All My Loving" on Apple Music -- fun!

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I'm glad you had all that fun! I've listened to Los Manolo's version about ten times since the concert. That won't be the last either!

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Aug 3Liked by Andrea Eschen

Good for you!

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¡Qué marchosos! Así me gusta. Juanra y yo no podremos repetir el primer concierto que fuimos en Madrid a la plaza de toros, fue para bailar con la genial Tina Turner, ella dio siempre una lección de que no hay edad para disfrutar bailando y cantando. Me alegro hayáis conocido a Los Manolos, muy conocidos de mi ciudad, Barcelona.

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