Jun 21Liked by Andrea Eschen

What a refreshing article illustrating the restorative powers of persistent public pressure to create such a beautiful place.

And I must say Fabio’s wardrobe selection provides a fabulous complement in the way it accessorizes the floral pattern of the vertical wall!

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Yes, LLL, you discovered the purpose of the whole blog: showing off Fabio's wardrobe. Thank you for highlighting that :).

And more than that, thanks for reading so diligently every week and for commenting.

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Jun 21Liked by Andrea Eschen

Love when public officials decide what the populace needs. Dissenters and activists spring up like weeds through the asphalt.

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Right! I can say a few other things that public officials decide what's good for people, especially women, but I won't get into that here.

I love your image of dissenters and activitists springing up! That's a great title for another Snippet on the next steps for the park. I'll credit you :)

Thanks again for reading and commenting so faithfully. Much appreciated.

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21Liked by Andrea Eschen

I always enjoy and learn from your articles. Aluminum palm trees?! Upon searching, I found several options for sale to this day, including even a lifelike 12.5 foot resin palm. Somehow the aura of the fake palms gets right to the hard heart of the grift in this matter. I hope the grotesque substitutes for what nature intended served to bolster and inspire the persistent protesters as well. Happy to hear they prevailed. Hooray!!!

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Go figure! Can you imagine how hot they'd get and pass that heat to those below? You're right about the aluminum getting right to the heart of the dirtiness of this matter.

Thanks so much for your comments and your loyal reading of these Snippets.

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Thanks for telling this inspiring story! It really adds depth to the lovely Madrid we saw recently. I’m so impressed by the dedication of the Park advocates. What perseverance! I hope they enjoy the park that they saved for everyone. I feel uplifted - thanks!!!!

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Thank you for sharing your thoughts and excitement. Their work gives me a whole new appreciation of the park when I enter. And it makes me wonder how many other hidden accomplishments lie below the surface thanks to a group of dedicated people.

I also question what would I do? Parque Si en Chamberi activists are still hard at work to improve other parts of the green space of the initial reservoir before that area gets eaten up by apartment buildings.

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What a passionate bunch! Thank heavens that they are keeping an eye on the park and still involved in its success.

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Jun 21Liked by Andrea Eschen

Increible lo que podemos hacer cuando buscamos q no se nos violen nuestros derechos. Aquu por ejemplo en Colombia somos muy pasivos y por no salir a protestar, permitimos que otros tomen decisiones por nosotros .

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Si, es una lastima. Yo aprendí mucho de este ejemplo de los miembros de Parque Si en Chamberi. Me inspiran.

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Jun 21Liked by Andrea Eschen

De nuevo, muchas gracias por una maravillosa historia muy bien contada.

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Gracias, mi melocotón. Muy querida de ti.

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Jun 21Liked by Andrea Eschen

Great story of the importance of green spaces in cities and the power of persistence!

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It sure is a great example of sticking with it and going up against the big guys. Very inspiring.

Thanks for reading and commenting!

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Jun 21Liked by Andrea Eschen

Kudos to the people of Chamberi - power to the people!

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Power to the people! Right on!

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Jun 21Liked by Andrea Eschen

Another gem of writing! Hooray for the activists who persisted even after the golf course was built. That golf course is so maddening; not only was it off limits to adults who don't play golf or can't afford it, it obliterated a place to play and socialize for people of all ages.

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Exactly! It is infuriating! Hats off to those who protested and continued to protest for more green space in Madrid.

Thank your for reading and commenting! Much appreciated.

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Jun 22Liked by Andrea Eschen

Such a great example of activism!

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Makes me swell with pride that some members of our community have the fortitude and optimism to do this.

Thanks for reading and commenting! Much appreciated.

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Jun 23Liked by Andrea Eschen

Gracias Andrea. Muy buen artículo.

Siempre aprendo algo leyéndote.

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Hola querida, Sonia. Muchas gracias por tomar el tiempo de leertelo y comentar. Te agradezco mucho. Abrazos y besos.

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