Ohh, so interesting! I loved the photos showing their interpretations of the natural world. This is the way history should be taught! Thank you for sharing this story with us! And I am relieved you didn't get a bronchial infection.

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Wow, what a great story. I love how you found and weaved these connections through one another. Even right up until the end of their lives. How did it make you feel when you started connecting all these dots? It must have felt, as you say in your subtitle, like your own worlds (past, present) colliding...

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Gorgeous symmetry! Loved these intersecting stories! It’s no surprise you’re drawn to Gaudí!! Xx

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Interesting story. It would have been fascinating if all three had met each other face to face. Imagine the conversations they may have shared over coffee!

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Fabulous piece. I especially love how you showcase connections from the past and present generations and align the work of Gaudi and Victor through the similarities in their individual styles influenced by social, economic and artistic happenings of their times.

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What a weaving of story!

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I love the fascinating parallels you are uncovering!

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